




残疾历史及认识月(RCW 28A.230.158),以提高公众的认识, respect, 以及对残疾人的接纳, 并给残疾人士带来更大的自豪感. 残疾人创建了下面所列的大部分资源. OSPI’s priorities are referenced with the goal of providing resources that school districts, 管理员, 残疾人可以使用与优先领域相关的信息.

这是一个非OSPI提供的外部资源列表. 请查看每个资源,以确保它符合您的需求. Some resources share stories; some of which may have content considered sensitive.

Pride is described in the dictionary as “pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself.“骄傲可以在很多地方找到,包括在运动中 残疾人权利运动在自我宣传中,它出现在下面的许多类别中.

  • NCIL残疾骄傲工具包 – The Independent Living Paradigm shows the difference between the Medical Model and the Independent Living Model, 以及残疾骄傲青年的证言, 以及Pride网站上的其他有用资源.


Self-advocacy is a right that people possess so they can speak for their own rights and make decisions impacting their own life—that the person affected should be the essential contributor. “没有我们就没有我们”成为了残疾人权利运动的口号, 这体现了自我倡导的理念.

  • ASAN – Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a nonprofit organization run by and for people with autism, 并倡导对自闭症和其他残疾人重要的话题.
  • 为青年 -行动伙伴关系, “赋权之声”有一个专门针对青年的部分, 提供关于残疾人骄傲的视频和文章, 领导, 以及其他有用的资源和链接.
  • NAMI -全国精神疾病联盟提供关于精神健康的资源, 重点是教育和宣传. There are tabs with overviews, treatment methods, support, and threads to share and communicate on.
  • ACT – Advocating Change Together creates plans and training materials with the goal of addressing three areas: Empower individuals, 将他们与残疾人权利运动联系起来, 共同努力建设更强大的社区.
  • SABE – Self Advocates Becoming Empowered is a United State’s national self-advocacy organization with the mission to “ensure that people with disabilities are treated as equals and that they are given the same decisions, choices, rights, 责任, and chances to speak up to empower themselves; opportunities to make new friends, 并从他们的错误中学习.”

以下资源包括残疾人提供的经验, 都是专业人士在谈论他们的残疾, 或者在个人博客上. 许多人谈到他们的残疾如何影响了他们的职业生涯, and some speak to how they advocated for change to better integrate people with disabilities into their fields.

  • 残疾人士能见度计划 -除了由Alice Wong和客座博客作者撰写的博客文章之外, the podcast has short interviews with people with disabilities in several different professions, 以及其他行业的经验, 比如残疾父母. 有些可能会涉及敏感话题、内容或语言.
  • 植根于权利 – 植根于权利 has several videos on their Storytellers Series which “aims to increase authentic representation of people with disabilities, 培养新兴的创造者和活动家, 并推广可访问的社交视频作为一种行动主义形式.” 植根于权利 also has a blog with several different authors and topics, as well as a
    podcast about parents with disabilities talking about their lives, both as a parent and their childhoods.
  • 自闭症球兰 ——Lydia X的博客. Z. 布朗是一名非二元残疾正义倡导者、组织者和自闭症作家. 还有一个选项卡用于列表术语和语言. Please be aware of the disclaimer that some of the words on the list would be considered inappropriate.
  • 我Diversability -多样性的三大支柱是连接、展示和授权. Diversability also offers a series where someone with a 残疾 takes over their Instagram to post pictures and their story. “残疾人不仅仅是‘残疾人’.我们是企业家、高管,我们想做什么就做什么. 我们是有不同能力的人.”

History helps with an understanding of where a community has been and major events that have happened. Disability history covers the largest minority in America and the struggle that brought about 残疾人权利运动. 一些当前的新闻网站也被包括在内.

  • 倡导监控 -“倡导监测是全国独立生活委员会的一个项目, 领先的跨残障, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities that represents Centers for Independent Living (CILs), 全州独立生活委员会(silc), 残疾人士, and other organizations that advocate for the human and civil rights of people with disabilities throughout the United States.”
  • 残疾勺 – A news source with articles on people with disabilities and events that effect the community.
  • 《正规买足球的App》作者:华盛顿大学 -新闻文章汇编, 主要来自Google Alerts, 为华盛顿大学的Do-It栏目报道残疾新闻. 每周更新.
  • 国家公园管理局:残疾人历史 -七篇关于美国残疾史的系列文章. 文章包括早期和转变的治疗态度, 教育改革, 军事和残疾, 总统与残疾, 残疾人权利运动, 以及国家公园管理局和无障碍设施.
  • 残疾人权利历史时间表 – A timeline that is structured by year on major events that happened in Disability Rights and what led to that point. 1817年到2005年.
  • nld青年时间表 -介绍残疾人的历史. 时间线从1770年开始,一直延续到2006年. The website version of the timeline is interactive; a PDF version is also available.

Intersectionality is the acknowledgment that diverse 身份 overlap within communities. 一个人可能会面临压迫,比如残疾, 来自LGBTQ+社区, 作为一个有色人种, 或其他.

同盟是指没有残疾的人帮助残疾人. 盟友提供支持,可以帮助扩大残疾人的声音. 他们还可以帮助其他没有残疾的人理解为什么公平是重要的.

  • 做一个盟友 -如何成为一个好的盟友的清单,比如积极倾听, 实行问责制, 支持身份和社区, 采取行动, 和更多的.
  • 残疾的注意事项 – A video of people with a 残疾 explaining how someone can help and why it is important to ask someone if there’s anything needed to assist before acting.
  • 自我倡导者课程 -虽然它被列为自我倡导者, 把它送给盟友是很有价值的. 它解释了残疾人的感受, 某些刻板印象的影响, 以及如何最好地帮助残疾人. 它几乎专门治疗自闭症.
  • 成为残疾人的好盟友的10种方法 -清单, 由一个残疾人写的, 关于残疾人如何成为一个好盟友.
  • 可访问性很酷 -如何创建无障碍媒体,主要是视频. Includes how to make transcripts, why describing videos is important, alt text, 和更多的.
  • it资源清单 – Do-It compiled a list of resources for educators in K–12 including videos and publications.
  • 瘸腿酷儿骄傲 – A video about a person who has a 残疾 and is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and their view on the overlap of their 身份.
  • 我们梦想的全部重量:关于生活中的种族化自闭症 一本诗集, essays, 短篇小说, 摄影, 绘画, 还有有色人种自闭症患者的画作.
  • 庆祝我的LGBTQ骄傲帮助我找到了残疾骄傲 – A blog post by someone from the LGBTQ+ community and how pride from one identity led to discovering pride in another.
  • 提高你的声音:黑人,残疾人,骄傲 -提高你的声音! 有几个类别,但这个类别是专门关于交叉性的. 维丽莎·汤普森写了几篇文章, LMSW, 那个经营网站的女人, 以及对其他残疾人的采访.

媒体往往缺乏残疾人的代表. 以下是有残疾人物的小说和出版物的列表, 很多都是残疾人写的, as well as some videos centering around people with disabilities and their experiences.

  • 儿童读物:残疾人士的形象 -清单 of children’s books with characters with disabilities listed by 残疾. Each includes the title, author, short synopsis, and recommended grade level of each book.
  • Ombuds图书资源指南 – Ombuds offers a more recent list of books for children about characters with disabilities. 每个都有一个标题, author, 年出版的, summary, 残疾, 以及他们在Ombuds的课程计划中强调了哪些资源. 该列表按推荐的年级水平排序.
  • 不可思议的杂志: 残疾人毁了科幻小说 and 残疾人
    -散文集, 短篇小说, and poems penned by writers with disabilities who offer a voice and vision to readers with disabilities who lack representation in the genre of science fiction and fantasy. 这些文章提出了关于残疾人代表的问题, 指出小说的缺点, shows, and movies while highlighting pieces that influenced and inspired their love for the genres. Uncanny offers some free content on their website and content warnings at the top of each page. Please be aware there are mentions of sensitive topics in some content and you should check to be sure each piece meets your needs.
  • Ted演讲:我不是你的灵感来源,非常感谢 斯特拉·杨谈到了如何把残疾人变成一种灵感, 残疾生活不需要被视为鼓舞人心.
  • 根植于人权纪录片 – 植根于权利 has mini documentaries about problems that people with disabilities face, 比如应对自然灾害的计划, 帮助残疾囚犯重返社会, 低于最低工资标准.


  • Ombuds” 五分之一:残疾历史和骄傲项目 为中学生写的教案是为了庆祝历史吗, 身份, 残疾人的多样性. This project is structured mainly around videos featuring children with disabilities and their lives.
  • 残疾人权利华盛顿提供了一个课程计划,叫做 整个人的肖像 which was designed for elementary age students to introduce them to how 残疾 rights fit into the larger Civil Rights Movement.