Seattle Public Schools

1430BP Audience Participation


买正规足球比赛的app应鼓励和容纳公众参加董事会的定期会议. 除紧急情况外,联委会将在每次例会的公开证词部分听取公众意见. A maximum of twenty speakers will be heard; each speaker can speak for not more than two minutes. However, 如果在董事会会议预定开始时间之前收到三十五(35)份或更多的公开证词请求, an additional five speaking slots will be made available for that meeting only, for a total of twenty five speakers.

定期理事会会议议程不迟于会议前三天公布在地区网站上, giving members of the public an opportunity to review what items are on the agenda.

董事会例会一般在星期三举行,但偶尔会安排在其他日子举行.g. due to holidays or school breaks). For regular Board meetings held on Wednesdays, 公众作证报名将被接受,作证时段将按以下方式填写:

  • 公开证词的注册将在例会前的周一上午8点开始,并将持续到演讲者名单上的20(或25)个名额被填满为止. To sign up, 发言者必须提供他们的全名和正规买足球的App,并说明他们希望发言的议程项目或其他主题.
  • Speakers must sign up for themselves, 除了由家长或监护人注册的学生,以及可能需要为公开证词注册过程提供便利的个人, including those with disabilities or those requiring language interpretation services.
  • At noon on the day before the Board meeting, 公众证言名额将按下列优先次序,先到先得, first-served basis within each level:
    1. 针对议程上的行动项目发言的个人(包括同意议程上的项目)
    2. Individuals speaking to introduction items on the agenda
    3. Individuals giving comments of a general nature
  • 在会议前一天中午之后收到的报名将以先到先到的方式添加到列表末尾, first-served basis.
  • Notwithstanding the above, 每次董事会例会的第一个发言时间通常由地区高中的学生发言. All district high schools are provided a slot each year, assigned by the Board Office. On occasion, 为了适应每个学年所有地区高中的课程,可能会为来自不同地区高中的学生安排多个演讲时间.
  • 在会议前一天中午前通过上述流程报名的本区学生, identify themselves as students, and are among the 20 (or 25) speakers on the speakers list, will be placed immediately following the assigned student speaking slot(s).
  • 希望在理事会例会上发言的当选官员可联系理事会办公室,要求在议程的监督意见部分发言.
  • A waiting list will be created if there are more speakers than speaking slots. The wait list will be ordered chronologically. 公开证词名单将于会议前的星期二下班前公布在地区网站上.

When regular Board meetings are held on days other than Wednesdays, 上述公开作证注册和作证时段的时间表可能由买正规足球比赛的app办公室相应调整. 如有调整,修订后的时间表将列入相关的定期董事会会议议程.

Guidelines of testimony in this part of the meeting are:

  1. 在开始作证时,发言者只应说出他们的全名以便记录,发言者在会议期间不需要说出他们的正规买足球的App.
  2. Speakers will be allowed a maximum of two (2) minutes. Speakers may cede their time when they are called to testify. 在这种情况下,允许的总时间不得超过两(2)分钟,新发言开始后,时间不得重新开始.
  3. In order to maximize opportunities for others to address the Board, each speaker is allowed only one speaking slot per meeting.
  4. 演讲者的大部分时间应该花在演讲者想要谈论的话题上.
  5. 董事会没有义务对公众评议期间提出的问题或挑战作出回应, and Directors’ silence will not be deemed to signal agreement, disagreement, or endorsement of the speaker’s remarks.
  6. The Board President may:
    1. 一旦超过规定的时间,要求说话人遵守规则或终止说话人的陈述;
    2. 打断发言者,要求与董事会对自己的期望相同的礼貌标准. 可以打断说话人讲话的不文明评论包括:
      • Are defamatory;
      • Are an unwarranted invasion of privacy;
      • Are obscene or indecent;
      • Are “fighting words,” i.e., words that are directed at an individual to incite an immediate and hostile reaction, such as through racial slurs;
      • Violate District policy or procedure related to harassment, intimidation, bullying or discrimination;
      • Incite an unlawful act on District or school premises; or
      • 对董事会会议的有序进行造成重大干扰;
    1. Request that the speaker leave the meeting if they refuse to come to order;
    2. Request any individual to leave the meeting if they do not observe reasonable decorum;
    3. 请求地区保安或执法人员协助将先前曾被要求离开但被拒绝的扰乱秩序者移走;
    4. 当缺乏公共礼仪妨碍了会议的有序进行而有理由要求休会或延期到另一时间或地点时.
    7. 作为一个整体,委员会对确定所有此类裁决的适当性拥有最终决定权,并可以通过将扰乱秩序的裁决排除在外来维持秩序. However, the Board recognizes the distinction between uncivil discourse, which is not permitted, and comments that are negative but still civil in nature, and will exercise its authority to maintain order in a content-neutral manner.

Public Hearings

For topics of special public interest or as required by law, the Board may schedule special hearings to receive additional public testimony. The Board President shall designate a time limit for public presentations. 发言人可以在公开听证会上签名口头作证,并可能被要求提供全名, address, 以及与正规买足球的App的关系,并指定他们是支持还是反对该议程项目, and will be given the opportunity to submit written testimony. 证人在开始作证时,只应说出全名,以作记录,而无须说出住址, email or telephone number during the meeting.

Testimony will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis according to the sign-up sheet at the public hearing. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes to speak. 不愿作证的人可向董事会办公室提交书面证词, which will make it available to the full Board.