Seattle Public Schools

April 7, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda FINAL Post
Regular Legislative Session

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 3:30 p.m.

Board of Directors
Meeting to be held remotely

IMPORTANT NOTE: 本次会议将根据州长公告远程举行,该公告允许公共机构根据《买正规足球比赛的app》远程召开会议,以遏制COVID-19的传播.

The meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV via YouTube and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def).

To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 649 728 2#. 此电话号码和会议ID也将由注册者使用,通过以下议程中所述的程序提供公开证词.

I. Call to Order – 3:30 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call  

II.  Superintendent Comments

III. Student Comments

  • Rainier Beach High School

IV.  Business Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the March 18, 2021 Work Sessions and March 24, 2021 Regular Board Meeting  (3/24/21 Minutes Updated 4/7/21)
  2. Personnel Report 
  3. Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funding for Preschool Services for the 2021 – 2022 School Year  (A&F, March 15, (待批准)该项目的批准将授权主管接受西雅图市教育和早期学习部(DEEL)的FEPP Levy拨款,总额不超过9美元,178,459.在2021-22学年,将有52个学区继续运营29个西雅图学前教育计划(SPP)教室,并开设一个新的SPP教室和四个新的全日制SPP先导教室,使正规买足球的App的SPP教室总数达到34个, with any minor additions, deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, 并采取任何必要的行动及订立服务协议以接受拨款(自推出后更新)
  4. 批准格什正规买足球的App合同和精确学习学院(APL)服务合同修正案 (A&F, March 15, (供核准)核准这个项目将授权主管修改与格什学院的273美元的原始合同,200, in the amount of $306,225 for a revised total contract amount of $579,425, for private placement of fewer than ten students who require therapeutic day services and programming, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement these contracts; and to amend the original contract of $297,305, with, Academy for Precision Learning (APL) in the amount of $294,462, for a revised total of $591,767, for private placement of fewer than ten students who require therapeutic day services and programming, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement these contracts.
  5. Contract for Middle School and High School yearbooks with Herff Jones (SSC&I, March 16, (供审议)该项目的批准将授权主管与赫弗·琼斯执行一年的延期合同,合同金额不超过400美元,000 and may execute two (2) optional annual extensions each in an amount not to exceed $400,000, each for a total amount not to exceed $1.2 million over three years, 初中和高中毕业纪念册的编制和印刷的管理和课堂支持, in the form of the draft Agreement presented to the School Board, with any minor additions, deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
  6. BEX V: Award Contract P1839, for Accessibility Consulting Services, to Studio Pacifica for the for the BEX V program (Ops, March 11, 审批)该项目的批准将授权主管执行关于无障碍咨询服务的合同P1839, with Studio Pacifica in the amount of $585,632 with any minor additions, deletions, modifications, and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  7. BEX V: Resolution 2020/21-21 Racial Imbalance Analysis for Van Asselt School Addition project (Ops, March 11, 批准本项目即批准第2020/21-21号决议,证明拟议的Van Asselt学校扩建项目不会造成或加剧华盛顿行政法典(WAC) 392-342-025所定义的种族不平衡.(Resolution Signature Lines Updated Since Introduction)
  8. Building Excellence (BEX) V, School Construction Assistance Program  (SCAP) & Distressed School Grant: Resolution No. 2020/21-20 certifying the Intent to Construct for Kimball Elementary School Replacement, James Baldwin Elementary School Replacement, Viewlands Elementary School Replacement, Lincoln High School – Phase 2 Gymnasium Building, Rainier Beach High School Replacement and Van Asselt Classroom and Gymnasium Addition projects (Ops, March 11, 批准本项目即批准关于金博尔小学替换的第2020/21-20号决议, James Baldwin Elementary School Replacement, Viewlands Elementary School Replacement, Lincoln High School – Phase 2 Gymnasium Building Seismic Improvements, Rainier Beach High School Replacement and the Van Asselt Classroom and Gymnasium Addition projects.(Resolution Signature Lines Updated Since Introduction)
  9. BEX V, 贫困学校补助和K-3班级规模缩减补助:批准西林地小学扩建和现代化项目的预算转移 (Ops, March 11, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the transfer in the amount of $1,000,从BEX V项目应急到West Woodland小学扩建和现代化学校项目预算中获得了000美元.
  10. BEX V:批准非洲裔美国人学院Van Asselt小学的第5号施工变更令(在与Wayne 's Roofing公司签订合同后,该学校更名为非洲裔美国人学院新星小学), Inc.) Roof Replacement project (Ops, March 11, (待批准)该项目的批准将授权主管批准韦恩屋顶的第5号施工变更令, Inc., for the Van Asselt Elementary School at African American Academy Roof Replacement project, in the amount of $543,369, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the construction change order.
  11. BEX V: Approval of Parametrix Contract Modification #2 for the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project   (Ops, March 11, for approval)   该项目的批准将授权主管执行金额为500美元的雷尼尔海滩高中替换的参数矩阵合同修改2,032.50, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications, and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  12. BEX V:第2020/21-19号决议:批准总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法并将GC/CM合同P5160授予Lydig Construction, Inc., for the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project (Ops, March 11, 该项目的批准将授权主管在雷尼尔海滩高中改建项目中使用GC/CM替代施工交付方法,并将合同P5160授予Lydig construction, Inc. This authorizes Lydig Construction, Inc., to immediately provide preconstruction services for an amount not to exceed $899,880, plus Washington State sales tax. Approving Resolution 2020/21-19 certifies that the district intends to comply with RCW 39.10. This approval also authorizes the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a contract amendment, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications, and actions deemed necessary for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) as defined by the RCW 39.10.370 for an amount not to exceed $153,000,000, which includes the pre-construction services allowance, Specified General Conditions, Negotiated Support Services Allowance, the Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) including subcontractor bonds, the MACC Contingency, and the GC/CM fee, no earlier than completion of 90% construction documents unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The GMP excludes Washington State sales tax.(Resolution Signature Lines Updated Since Introduction)
  13. BEX V: Award Construction Contract P5143, to KCDA/Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the Athletic Field Lighting Improvements at Jane Addams Middle School project (Ops, March 11, 此项目的批准将授权主管执行与金县董事协会(KCDA)签订的金额为504美元的P5143建筑合同,991, including base bid, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  14. BEX IV/BEX V/Distressed School Grant: Award Construction Contract P5157, Bid No. B102027 to FORMA Construction for the North Beach Elementary School Heating, Ventilating, Exterior Door, and Seismic Improvement project (Ops, March 11, 批准此项目将授权主管与FORMA construction签订金额为2美元的建筑合同P5157,054,400, including the base bid plus alternate #1, #2,and #4, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications, and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  15. BEX IV: Award Construction Contract P5131, Bid No. B102026, to Lincoln Construction, Inc. for the Washington Middle School Seismic Improvements project  (Ops, March 11, 审批)该项目的批准将授权主管与林肯建筑公司执行P5131建筑合同, Inc. in the amount of $2,207,000, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, modifications, and actions deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  16. BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5123 with CDK Construction Services, Inc., for the Catharine Blaine Seismic Improvements project (Ops, March 11, 批准此项目将接受根据合同P5123与CDK建筑服务公司进行的工作, Inc., for the Catharine Blaine Seismic Improvements project as final.
  17. BTA IV/BEX V:内森黑尔高中和简亚当斯中学运动场地改善项目的海岸到海岸草皮合同K5120的最终验收 (Ops, March 11, (待批准)该项目的批准将接受合同K5120项下的工作,即内森黑尔高中和简亚当斯中学运动场地改善项目的海岸到海岸草皮.

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

V. Public Testimony – 3:45 p.m.

希望通过电话会议向董事会发言的公众成员可通过向买正规足球比赛的app办公室发送电子邮件或致电(206)252-0040进行注册, beginning Monday, April 5, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, April 6, 2021. 那些被列入公开证词名单的人可以通过拨打206-800-4125和使用会议ID 649 728 2#提供证词. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit  the Board’s website

 1Chris Jackins 1)州拨款金博尔工会2)董事会政策6220 3)家具合同4)起止变更令5)新星令6)2020/21-20号决议7)董事召回费
 2Laura Teeuw SEA/SPS Memorandum of Understanding for Grades 6-12
 3Manuela Slye 授权学区支付必要的费用,以在司法程序中为买正规足球比赛的app成员辩护,以确定罢免指控的有效性.
 4Sebrena Burr 1) Approval of the Addendum to the August 2020 MOU between the SSD #1 & SEA
2) Authorizing the District to pay the necessary expenses of defending Seattle School Board Directors, Zachary DeWolf; Chandra Hampson; Leslie Harris; Brandon Hersey; Eliza Rankin and Lisa Rivera-Smith in judicial proceedings to determine the sufficiency of recall charges.
 5Christina Pizana 授权地区支付必要的费用,以在司法程序中为买正规足球比赛的app成员辩护,以确定罢免指控的有效性.
 6Vivian van Gelder recall charges for Board directors.

VI. Board Committee Reports

VI. Business Action Items (Continued)

C. Action Items

  1. Amending Board Policy No. 6220, Procurement (A&F, March 15, for approval) Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 6220, Procurement, as attached to the Board Action Report.
    Amendment 1 to the Board Action Report “Amending Board Policy No. 6220, Procurement” (汉普森主任)批准本项目即批准题为“修订董事会政策编号”的董事会行动报告修正案1. 6220, Procurement” and substitute Board Policy No. 6220 as attached to the amendment. 如果所附的替代政策与标题为“修订董事会政策编号”的基础董事会行动报告中提供的信息相冲突. 6220, Procurement,” the substitute policy shall control. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district. (Amendment 1 posted 4/7/21)
  2. Approval to rename the Southwest Athletic Complex (SWAC) to the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (Ops, March 11, 该项目的批准将授权将西南体育中心(SWAC)的名称更改为尼诺坎图西南体育中心.
  3. 批准正规买足球的App(“学区”)与国际运营工程师联盟Local 609(“609”)之间关于COVID-19大流行期间加强清洁的谅解备忘录(“MOU”).  Approval of this item would approve the MOU with 609 as attached to the Board Action Report. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District. (Introduction and Action, Materials Updated 4/7/21)
  4. Approval of an Addendum to the August 2020 Memorandum of Understanding between the Seattle School District No. 1 and Seattle Education Association 批准这一项目将批准本理事会行动报告所附的2020年8月谅解备忘录增编, which will become effective upon ratification by SEA estimated to be on or before April 16, 2021. I further move that the School Board waive the provision of Policy No. 理事会行动报告及相关补充资料将于理事会会议召开前至少三天登载于地区网站. 此行动授权总监采取所有必要的步骤来执行附录中详述的地区责任. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action, Materials Added 4/7/21)
  5. 授权地区支付为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app董事扎卡里·德沃尔夫在司法程序中辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性.  批准这一项目将授权该区支付在司法程序中为扎卡里·德沃尔夫主任辩护的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)
  6. 授权地区支付为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app董事钱德拉·汉普森在司法程序中辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性. 批准这一项目将授权该区支付在司法程序中为钱德拉·汉普森主任辩护的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部门提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)
  7. 授权学区支付为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app主任莱斯利·哈里斯在司法程序中辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性. 批准这一项目将授权特区在司法程序中支付辩护主任莱斯利·哈里斯的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部门提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)
  8. 授权学区支付为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app董事布兰登·赫西在司法程序中辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性. 批准这一项目将授权本地区支付在司法程序中为布兰登·赫西主任辩护的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部门提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)
  9. 授权地区支付在司法程序中为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app董事伊丽莎·兰金辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性. 批准这一项目将授权该区支付在司法程序中为伊丽莎·兰金主任辩护的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)
  10. 授权学区支付在司法程序中为西雅图买正规足球比赛的app董事Lisa Rivera-Smith辩护的必要费用,以确定召回指控的充分性. 该项目的批准将授权该区支付在司法程序中为Lisa Rivera-Smith主任辩护的必要费用,以确定3月22日向金县选举部门提出的罢免指控是否充分, 2021. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)

VII. Introduction Item

  1. Adoption of School Board Resolution No. 2020/21-24, Emergency Waiver of High School Graduation Requirements  Approval of this item would adopt School Board Resolution No. 2020/21-24, Emergency Waiver of High School Graduation Requirements, as attached to the Board Action Report.

D. Board Comments

Comments will be limited to two minutes per Director

VIII.  Student Outcomes Focused Governance

IX. Adjourn – 7:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders

即将召开的董事会会议和董事社区会议的完整列表可以在买正规足球比赛的app日历网站上找到. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.