



The 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心 is closed to the public

IMPORTANT NOTE: 本次会议将根据州长的公告远程举行,该公告禁止公共机构根据《正规买足球的App》亲自举行会议,以遏制COVID-19的传播.

会议将在 通过YouTube在SPSTV上直播 and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), 波26(标准清晰度)和695(高清), 和世纪链接8008(标准清晰度)和8508(高清). To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 800 793 451#.

I. 下午3点.m.

  1. 对观众的一般性欢迎公告
  2. Roll Call

II. 负责人意见

III.  业务行动项目

A. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the 2020年9月16日 , and  2020年9月23日董事会定期会议
  2. Personnel Report
  3. 正规买足球的App (SPS) Personal Services Contracts (PSC) for the City of Seattle’s Parks & 娱乐部 (A&F, September 14, (供考虑)该项目的批准将授权主管执行与西雅图市公园的合同 & 娱乐部$909,416,目的是提供家庭, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary, K-8, 初中和高中, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (自介绍后更新)
  4. 正规买足球的App (SPS) Personal Services Contracts (PSC) for City Year of Seattle (A&F, September 14, (待批准)批准此项目将授权主管以1美元的价格执行与西雅图市年的合同,170,为家庭提供资助, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary, K-8, 初中和高中, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (自介绍后更新)
  5. 正规买足球的App (SPS) Personal Services Contracts (PSC) with University Tutors for Seattle Schools (UTSS) (A&F, September 14, (供考虑)批准这一项目将授权主管执行与西雅图学校大学导师的合同,合同金额为481美元,为家庭提供资助, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary, K-8, 初中和高中, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (自介绍后更新)
  6. 正规买足球的App (SPS) Personal Services Contracts (PSC) with Seneca Family of Agencies (A&F, September 14, (供核准)核准该项目的执行将授权主管执行与塞内卡家族机构签订的468美元的合同,500美元用于提供家庭, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary, K-8, 初中和高中, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (自介绍后更新)
  7. WAC 180-16-220规定的学校年度批准 (C&I, September 15, (待批准)批准该项将批准该地区的每一所学校拥有数据驱动的学校改进计划, 促进对学生学习的积极影响, 包括一个持续改进的过程, 根据WAC 180-16-220. (资料更新日期10/6/20)
  8. Renew three-year contract with Hobson’s Naviance for College and Career Readiness software services and support (C&I, September 15, (待批准)本项目的批准将授权主管与霍布森航空公司续约,续约金额不超过655美元,000.00, 以销售订单和7月8日的服务条款的形式购买大学和职业准备软件工具, 2020年,附在买正规足球比赛的app行动报告中, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (自介绍后更新)
  9. Resolution No. 2020/21-7, Requesting a Waiver from the 180-Day School Year Requirement for Remote Learning Professional Development (C&I, September 15, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve Resolution No. 2020/21-7,附于本理事会行动报告.
  10. 授予国家总合同05416号, Classroom Lock Security Upgrades for the secure lockdown project (Ops, September 10, (待核准)核准该项目的执行将授权主管与山间锁具和安全供应公司签订一份金额为2美元的合同.5 million, 加上华盛顿州的销售税, for lock hardware purchases over the course of five (5) years. 采购将基于与华盛顿州企业服务部签订的本地合作采购协议的批量定价,该协议通过附在买正规足球比赛的app行动报告中的第05416号合同进行, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. 从2020年10月到2025年8月,采购期将分阶段进行,为期五(5)年. 第一阶段将于2020-21财年开始. (自介绍后更新)
  11. BTA IV: Award Contract P1766 to perform seismic analysis services for the Seismic Building Assessment (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute consultant contract No. P1766 with PCS Structural Solutions that will not exceed $210,773 to complete seismic assessments on 15 buildings not assessed in the district’s seismic assessments in 2009 or 2012; update cost estimates for all buildings for recommended seismic improvements; provide comparative seismic risk assessment for all district facilities; and prty,对西雅图市认定为未加固砌体的19个地区设施的预期地震工作进行评估, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
  12. BEX V: Approval of the Site-Specific Educational Specifications for Kimball Elementary School Replacement project (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve the Kimball Elementary Educational Specifications dated March 3, 2020, 金博尔小学替代项目.
  13. BEX V:批准詹姆斯鲍德温小学替换项目的特定地点教育规范 (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve the James Baldwin Elementary Education Specifications dated August 13, 2020, for the James Baldwin Elementary School Replacement project.
  14. BEX V: Approval of the Value Engineering Report for the James Baldwin Elementary School project (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve the Value Engineering Report dated August 18, 2020, and the Architect’s Response and Recommendation Matrix for the James Baldwin Elementary School project.
  15. 贫困学校补助奖建筑 & 工程合同P1692: Studio Meng Strazzara Architecture,麦迪逊中学八间教室扩建项目 (Ops, September 10, 审批)审批该项目的批准将授权主管执行与Studio Meng Strazzara Architecture签订的金额为895美元的A/E合同P1692,909, 加上15美元的可报销费用,建筑和工程服务. 合同总金额为910美元,909 is for the Madison Middle School Eight Classroom Addition Distressed School Grant project, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
  16. BEX V/BEX IV:建筑奖 & 工程合同K1386 Rolluda Architects, Inc., 为北滩小学供暖, Ventilating, Exterior Door, 抗震改善项目 (Ops, September 10, 审批)该项目的批准将授权主管执行与Rolluda建筑事务所签订的A/E合同K1386, Inc., 总共是394美元,642 for architectural and engineering services 为北滩小学供暖 & Ventilating, 外墙门及抗震改造工程, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
  17. BEX V: Award Contract P5152 for General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) to Cornerstone General Contractors Inc. 为Van Asselt School Addition项目准备的 (Ops. September 10, 审批)该项目的批准将授权主管使用GC/CM替代施工交付方法, authorize the GC/CM to immediately provide pre-construction services for an amount not to exceed $360,000, and approve Resolution 2020/21-1 certifying that the district intends to comply with RCW 39.10. This approval also authorizes the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a contract amendment, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改, for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) as defined by the RCW 39.10.370,金额不超过27元,000,000,其中包括指定的一般条件, 协商支援服务津贴, the Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) including subcontractor bonds, 反贪会意外事件, 以及GC/CM费, no earlier than completion of 90% Construction Documents unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The GMP excludes the Pre-Construction Services allowance and Washington State sales tax.
  18. BEX IV:批准从Pinehurst学校Hazel Wolf K-8合成草皮运动场改善项目的BEX IV项目应急预算转移 (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to approve the transfer of $830,6万美元,用于资助Pinehurst学校Hazel Wolf K-8的综合操场改进项目.
  19. BEX IV:批准利用BEX IV项目安置的资金资助洛厄尔小学的校本健康中心项目 (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to utilize $315,从BEX IV资本征收项目安置预算中拨出1万美元,用于资助洛厄尔小学的校本保健中心.
  20. BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5099 with King County Directors Association (KCDA) and Musco Sports Lighting, 克利夫兰高中野外照明项目 (Ops, September 10, 该项目的批准将接受King County Directors Association (KCDA)和Musco Sports Lighting根据合同K5099进行的工作, LLC for the Cleveland High School Athletic Field Lights project as final.
  21. BEX IV/BTA IV:合同号的最终验收. 与CDK建筑服务公司., for the Dearborn Park Elementary School Roof Replacement & 地震升级项目 (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract No. 与CDK建筑服务公司., for the Dearborn Park Elementary School Roof Replacement & 地震升级项目最终确定.
  22. BEX IV:施工合同P5099的最终验收, 投标号B11722, 与CDK建筑服务公司合作, Inc., for the Eckstein Middle School Seismic Improvements project (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5099 与CDK建筑服务公司合作, Inc., for the Eckstein Middle School Seismic Improvements project as final. (自介绍后更新)
  23. OSPI Distressed School Grant: Final Acceptance of Contract K5116, Bid No. B11824,与CDK建筑服务公司签订., for the Eckstein Middle School Exterior Sunshade Installation project (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract K5116 与CDK建筑服务公司合作, Inc., for the Eckstein Middle School Exterior Sunshade Installation project as final.
  24. BTA III: Final Acceptance of Contract K5106 with Western Ventures Construction, Inc.约翰·缪尔地热井项目 (Ops, September 10, 审批)该项目的批准将接受与西部企业建设公司签订的合同K5106项下的工作, Inc.约翰·缪尔地热井项目的最终项目. 

B. 从同意议程中删除的项目

IV. 公开证词——下午3:15.m.

希望通过电话会议向董事会发言的公众成员可通过向买正规足球比赛的app办公室发送电子邮件或致电(206)252-0040进行注册, beginning Monday, October 5, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, October 6, 2020. 那些被列入公开证词名单的人可以通过拨打206-800-4125和使用会议ID 800 793 451#提供证词. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the Board’s website.

Order  Speaker  Topic  
Emily Cherkin 重新开放和远程学习计划 
Chris Jackins 1. Superintendent Task Force for the Reopening Plan; 2. Policy 2015; 3. Hazel Wolf Playfield Budget Transfer; 4. Inspects for Kimball; 5. Inspects for James Baldwin; 6. James Baldwin的价值工程报告 
Marina Gray 支持洛厄尔小学健康诊所 
Manuela Slye 买正规足球比赛的app监督 
Dustin Cross 设在洛厄尔小学的卫生所 
Mariah Mitchell 洛厄尔初级健康诊所 
Brian Terry Equity in advanced learning and access to technology at this week’s board meeting 
Janis White 10月是残疾人历史月 

V. 业务行动项目(续)

C. Action Items

  1. Approval to name the Daniel Bagley Elementary School primary wing (south first floor) in honor of Mrs. Barbara Stone (Ops, September 10, (待批准)该项目的批准将批准丹尼尔·巴格利小学的小学翼命名为芭芭拉·斯通小学翼.
  2. Superintendent Task Force for the Reopening Plan and Remote Learning (2020-21 Remote Learning Task Force) (Exec, September 16, for Consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the formation of the 2020-21 Remote Learning Task Force. (自引言开始更新,资料更新10/6/20)
  3. 修订保单编号. 1010,董事会监督管理和1240,委员会 (Exec, September 16, for Approval) Approval of this item would amend Policy No. 1010,董事会管理监督和政策号. 1240, Committees, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  4. 特殊教育合同修订 (A&F, September 14, (供核准)核准该项将授权主管核准总额为1美元的合同修订,254,933.上述机构及承办商为34.
  5. Approval of contract amendment with EPI-Use for SAP staff support for school year 2020-21 (A&F, September 14, 该项目的批准将授权主管执行与EPI-Use的合同修订,总额不超过820美元(NTE),000, including taxes, 用于SAP员工支持服务,并有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the amendment.
  6. 修订董事会政策编号. 2015,教材的选择与采用 (C&I, September 15, for Consideration) Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 2015,教材的选择与采用 as attached to the Board Action Report. (自介绍后更新)
  7. BTA IV/BEX V:授予建筑合同P5137,标号. B082097致YOY, INC. dba VERDIS for the Garfield High School Upgrades (Waterproofing & 外部门维修)项目  (Ops, September 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute construction contract P5137 with YOY, INC. dba VERDIS,金额为732美元,390, 包括基本出价加上备选方案1和备选方案2, 加上华盛顿州的销售税, 如果有任何小的补充, deletions, 以及必要的修改 by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. Immediate action is in the best interests of the district. (介绍和行动,资料更新10/6/20)

  VI. Board Comments


  • Announcement of Moss Adams Internal Audit Review by Audit & Finance Chair

VII. Adjourn – 7:00 p.m.


即将召开的董事会会议和董事社区会议的完整列表可以在买正规足球比赛的app日历网站上找到. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.