Seattle Public Schools

Research and Evaluation

School Climate Surveys

Seattle Public Schools School Climate Surveys

Research confirms what our families, youth, and educators have known for decades: a safe and supportive school environment —where students have positive social relationships, are respected and engaged in their work, and feel competent —matters (Amodio & Mendoza, 2010; Bottiani et al., 2016; Bradshaw et al., 2015). How children and youth experience the overall climate of their schools impacts their achievement and success.

The Student Survey of School Climate is one data source that helps assess the degree to which the district is meeting its core commitments in these areas. This survey is translated into SPS’s top five home languages and typically administered 2 times a year (fall and spring) to students in grades 3-12 so schools can gauge progress and plan for student success. Results and ongoing data-to-action, equity trainings are used by central office and educators to guide improvements at the school and district levels.

On this page, you will find information about our annual student survey of school climate, including reports from remote learning surveys. View survey results, below, to see both survey items for all years and aggregate outcomes:

View a 5 minute Survey Portal Overview.

2022-23 Student Survey of School Climate Administration:

  • Fall Survey: Mon., October 24, 2022 to Fri., November 18, 2022
  • Spring Survey: Mon., May 1, 2023 to Fri., May 26, 2023

End of Year Reports

Spring 2021

Read a summary report of spring 2021 survey results

The shift to remote learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has made it is more important than ever to check in regularly with students to see how instruction is going, so that efforts can be improved over the course of the year. Questions focused on students’ experiences during the pandemic, access to and quality of remote and hybrid instruction, and questions on school climate and culture.

To better represent all students, and in response to student need, SPS used newly developed gender identity questions (for grades 3-12) and sexual orientation questions (for grades 6-12 only) on district-developed surveys. Seattle Schools has included both gender identity questions and sexual orientation questions in surveys over the past 10 years. These newly modified questions were developed with student, staff, and family input, and reflect the shift in language seen in similar questions being used in districts across the country.

Fall 2020

Read a district summary report of fall 2020 survey results

In October 2020, the SPS Research & Evaluation Department partnered with Panorama Education to deliver surveys to all students in grades 3 to 12, all families, and all instructional school staff. Survey results are typically made available in our Survey Reports Portal hosted by Panorama Education by August 31 each year. However, please note that due to COVID-19 school building closures, all school climate surveys for the 2019-20 school year were cancelled. To access this fall’s Remote Learning “Pulse” Survey and all historical climate survey data, please visit the Panorama Portal.

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